I don't know any more. 1.6.19
Winter has been around for three days and that means rain. Proper rain. And when it 'doesn't rain', it just means that you don't know if you know if it's more pleasant to leave the rain jacket on or take it off. Because even then you still get wet, in the finest tropical spray rain.
Anyway, today I didn't have to cycle. Just shop something edible once, especially since monday is still a public holiday. This has been on every possible font surface for days. At every supermarket, every school, every post office. I forgot about it anyway. respectively. don't forget that it's a holiday, but don't remember that I'm not at a supermarket tomorrow and therefore have to shop today. By the way, I was in a pack'n'save for the first time. It's a bit reminiscent of the Dutch mega stores, at least this one. The meat counter on one wall of the shop, toast on the other and in between floor-to-ceiling shelves. Down within range everything buyable, above the cartons for refilling. Our Aldi would have fit in about four times. Otherwise, this chain is quite unsuitable for me, because what do I want with a whole pallet full of eggs, even if it is cheaper than anywhere else only six pieces. Transport on a bicycle? Certainly not.
I haven't looked at much of the city itself, just too unmotivated this weather and cold. And since this hostel was once a prison and is not very heated or. Not at all, I sit inside with fleece jacket and double socks and gradually freeze in the neck. So now I cuddle under three blankets or something and say good night.